Robert Doyle

Robert Doyle

Senior Directeur, Aandelen

Robert is Senior Director binnen het Public Markets-team en is verantwoordelijk voor het toezicht op aandelenmanageronderzoek. Robert begon in 2015 als Associate bij bfinance, nadat hij vijf jaar manager research analist was geweest bij een in het Verenigd Koninkrijk gevestigde private wealth management firma. Robert heeft een MSc in Investment Management van de Cass Business School, waarin hij cum laude afstudeerde, en een eerste klas graad in Accounting & Finance van de University of Warwick. Robert heeft eerder ervaring opgedaan binnen het Private Client Services team van Ernst & Young LLP. Hij is een Chartered Fellow van het Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI).

More insights from the team:

bfinance’s quarterly report in May 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major asset...

From the pages of the Financial Times and Reuters to the hallways of investment conferences, noise of an ‘ESG Backlash’ has echoed around the asset management industry through recent months.

The climate imperative is driving new practices across all asset classes. Equity portfolios are typically on the strategic front line, thanks in large part to the availability of data that can...

bfinance’s quarterly report in February 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major...

More than two decades have passed since the arrival of complementary pension provision in Italy, which brought with it a massive regulatory overhaul. bfinance spoke with Salvatore Casabona to...

bfinance’s quarterly report in November 2023: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major...

In the landscape of ‘global’ active equity strategies, the pendulum has—slowly but surely—swung toward strategies that span both developed and emerging markets. Yet how credible are these broader...

New manager research from bfinance reveals the proliferation of ‘Emerging Markets ex-China’ equity strategies. This is now becoming recognised as a distinct segment within the equity management...