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Jamie Downing

Jamie Downing

Managing Director, responsable mondial Client Consulting

Jamie Downing, basé à Londres, au Royaume-Uni, dirige la division Client Consulting de bfinance. Il supervise une équipe internationale de consultants répartis dans dix pays, garantissant un modèle opérationnel solide et menant des initiatives stratégiques visant à étendre la couverture des clients. Jamie était auparavant responsable mondial de la distribution institutionnelle chez American Century Investments et a occupé des postes chez Russell Investments, Ardevora Asset Management et Hargreaves Lansdown. Il a obtenu un Certificat en gestion des investissements (IMC, délivré au Royaume-Uni) en 2001 et une qualification en Finance Durable de l'Institut pour le Leadership Durable de l'Université de Cambridge, en 2023.

Market intelligence:

bfinance’s quarterly report in May 2024: read the team’s latest insights on institutional investor activity, risk appetite, market developments and asset manager performance across all major asset...

Credible asset owner surveys can be a useful source of insight for both investors and the asset managers/advisers that serve them. Their headline findings often tend to focus on expected changes to...

From the pages of the Financial Times and Reuters to the hallways of investment conferences, noise of an ‘ESG Backlash’ has echoed around the asset management industry through recent months.

An inflationary climate has created new challenges for foundations around the globe: with underlying projects seeking larger disbursements to cover their increased costs, there is a need for higher,...

The 2023-4 period has brought new challenges for institutional investors, affecting both strategy and investment manager selection – the task of identifying the right products and the right partners...

Although two years have now passed since the Federal Reserve started rapidly hiking interest rates, the likelihood that your hedge fund manager will have a ‘hurdle rate’ for their performance fees...

This report provides a concise introduction to the investment characteristics of carbon compliance credits and the growing use of this emerging asset class by hedge funds, traditional asset managers...

Investor appetite for investment grade fixed income grew significantly last year but active managers are coming under scrutiny. This report examines corporate bond manager performance and...